Covid Awareness

Covid Awareness  

Worsening of pre-existing mental illnesses during COVID-19 outbreak. 

The widespread outbreak and prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed to the significant worsening of pre-existing mental health conditions in a multitude of ways. Ever since the beginning of the unprecedented virus, there have been a plethora of disruptive alterations in our lifestyles. To begin with, the simplest of joys in life—going out and meeting your loved ones perhaps—are now potentially dangerous and pave the way for a substantial increase in infections. With human touch and contact being forbidden largely, there are now several essential social distancing measures. Although the aforementioned initiative is indispensable, the lack of atypical social interaction can contribute to elevated levels of loneliness, stress, anxiety, and so on, thus giving a surge to deteriorating mental health.

Many people are now deprived of substantial coping strategies such as going to the gym, taking a walk in the park, socializing with friends and so on. Such activities, which used to anchor people with a risk of depression, are now diminished. Adding to such factors, pharmacies are running out of anxiety medications and some medications one cannot get without reviewed prescriptions. “Sitting with your thoughts”,  as one would call it, has detrimental consequences for people who overthink and thus amplify their fear and negative emotions. An effort to compensate for these negative emotions has led to the abuse of anti-depressants beyond a safe dose. Even though online counseling is one of the ways to manage mental illnesses, it excludes the principal face-to-face assurance as well as reading body language. 

Moreover, recurring news of the virus and its rapidly escalating number of casualties consequently leads to persistent stress, anxiety, and worrying amongst everyone. As people live with the magnifying fear of death and the loss of their loved ones, it becomes increasingly difficult to cope, adjust, and be productive. 

With reduced motor activities, the closing of gyms and parks, along complications with food stocks, COVID-19 has made it difficult for people with eating disorders to recover and have a healthy relationship with food. To be cooped up inside the house gives a foreboding fear of not being able to control how one moves and what one put inside their body. Fear of weight gain gives rise to inflexible behaviors. With no distancing from food at home as well as hoarding groceries in such a crisis, binge-eating habits can resurface. 

Conditions like psychosis, which require special medical attention, are at risk of worsening with factors like domestic and relationship problems, financial stress, isolation, and delayed medical services coming into play. Fundamentally, it has now become a massive task to concentrate and complete tasks effectively during this turbulent period. Besides, witnessing the governments’ inefficiency to formulate, implement, and execute long-term plans during these trying times only wreaks more havoc in the mind. Furthermore, being predominantly surrounded by certain civilians’ inherent ignorance and carelessness regarding the outbreak and its vital precautionary measures aggravates anxiety as well. Cumulatively, the two elements lead to further deterioration of mental illnesses. When all of the previously mentioned factors come into play, they can lead to psychological impacts such as restlessness, fatigue, and sleep problems. For people with both anxiety and depression, the amalgamation of these may worsen their health. 

With vaccines yet to be properly developed and cases rising by the minute, life seems rather dismal, thus making it extremely hard to find pleasure, take an interest, and get rid of the inner voice that warns of impending doom. Overall, because these are unfathomably difficult times, it is a troubling task to stay calm in the face of adversity and tackle these obstacles whilst mental illnesses are exacerbated.

Whilst such a trying time has proven to be detrimental to many, there are some measures, which can help a person stay afloat in such a sea of negativity. Being wary of the type of media and news consumption can help filter out misinformation. Unfollowing distrustful and pessimistic media pages can assist in lowering anxious feelings in an individual. 

It is important to not let fear deteriorate your health from the comfort of your home. 
Symptomatic relief can be felt through exercising, meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and such. The surge of at-home workouts compensates for the closing of gyms and parks.
Distraction in a fruitful and productive/engaging manner will surely benefit our mental health through such a crisis. 
Being in touch with our emotions, acknowledging them, and understanding the roots are the first steps towards managing them. This may be achieved by regular journal keeping, recording, and analyzing our thoughts.
One can also reach out to their loved ones and ask for help, or connect with a counselor telephonically.
The creative practice of our day-to-day time may help channel the stress into something more productive. 
Mindfulness is the key to every measure taken to uplift one from the bleakness of any situation.

Although our mental models may be shaken and our progress may have taken a step back from normalcy, optimism and continual strife for a better future is the most fruitful investment one can make in an uncertain environment. It is better to take off our tunnel vision glasses and see that “we’re all in this together”.


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