Covid Awareness

Covid Awareness  

Couple and Parenting Hacks During The Pandemic

While you are at home very rightly social distancing to control the pandemic, it’s time to get
close and remove distances inside the homes. Looking at the brighter side, as a couple now
closed together, there’s no room for complaints of not enough alone time anymore. Look at
this time as an opportunity to reconnect and recharge your relationship and be closer
together. Look inwards in your relationship and heal spaces. If you have been looking for
some suggestions, you’ve come to the right stop to start the interesting process. Include the
following tips:

Long Chats and Long Walks: the best way to reminisce into your loving past is by taking a
stroll and having conversations intertwined with a little romance with your partner. Let your
mind dig deep into the caravan of memories and enjoy with sweet chit chat. Discover the
interesting aspects of each other through the past and talk about it. Talk about interests and
likings and similarities you share. Share laughter and joy as you walk together.

Work on and re-kindle a relationship from home: the isolated time can be used for
couples to reassess their relationship, rekindle the spark and improve the relationship. This
is the perfect time to re-bifurcate the divided responsibilities like household chores, assist in
common tasks and cook meals together and eat them together. Make daily tasks enjoyable
and work as a team. Be playful while you perform the tasks. Fix a common time to reconnect
spiritually by meditating and chanting together. Let yourself heal with your better half.

Rediscover the inner child in you: the alone time can be a great start to bring the old
childhood days back and play the classic board games with our partners start some arts and
crafts with available goods at home and create something interesting. Create memories and
sweet times by using your creativity and working as a team. The experience shared with
your partner will always be rewarding.

Respect Private Space: Since a lot of us are working/staying at home and sharing spaces
throughout the day, it becomes important to respect your partner’s individual space and the
working environment they now have in the home. Encourage each other to take regular
breaks and make these breaks fun. Surprise your partner with their favourite snacks to re-
energize them.

Parenting is the most fulfilling job that we will ever have, but it’s not without it’s challenges.
Modern family life can be stressful and with various pressures on families but the
unprecedented break has brought the brighter side with the opportunity to catch up on family
time at the comfort of your home. All parents can ease out with their children and spend
quality with them. All you need to do is keep calm and ace parenting with our expert tips we
are sure you’d enjoy!

First things first: convey with your children the importance of maintaining a good hygiene
and eating wholesome food and having a balanced diet. Tell them how with strong
immunities they can easily stay safe and healthy. Washing hands, covering mouth while
sneezing and sanitising or washing hands afterwards are the tricks to stay safe.

Talk to them: given that schools are closed and children are away from their friends
unusually, anxiety at this given point in time is normal. The best way to deal with it is to
communicate with them that the situation is controllable and everything will be back on track
soon. Treat every interaction as an opportunity to connect with your child. Be warm in your
expressions, give eye contact, smile and encourage. Be warm and affectionate.

Divide their schedule: include play dates and study time equally. Let them take a break
from constant classes and use the time as an opportunity to learn outside the classroom. Be
a new teacher to your kids, help them in academics by fun tricks and methods. Play board
games, make house-hold quizzes, play dumb-charades etc to spend a memorable time.

Responsibility Check: involve your children in taking small responsibilities and allow them
to participate in daily chores. Appreciate them for taking up tasks and successfully
completing them. Give small rewards and tokens of appreciation to boost their motivation.
Make them help you in your office-work by giving minimal tasks. This engagement can help
them to stay agile.

A perfect time for them to learn and master life-skills: since we all have a good amount
of time at our disposal, you can teach your children the skills you never got time to. Make
them organise their belongings, help a little in gardening and make your favourite dish
together. Introduce them to skills such as banking, changing the tyre, sorting out the budget
at home etc.

Parent-Children Bonding Time: grab the opportunity to develop a relationship with your
child like never before. Share with them your own childhood/school stories and bond over
their interests. Make them feel that their experiences are appreciated and you are there for
Create a safe space for them to speak their minds and let them know it will always be there.
Be aware of their likings and preferences and make them feel loved.
Global Responsibility: it is a good time to introduce the ideas of empathy and gratitude.
Share social skills and the importance of caring for others at crucial times. Have a
conversation with them regarding how social responsibility is important and it starts at home
by taking special care of our helpers and staff at home. Convey the importance of respect
and love for elders and relatives along with everyone in need. Telling age-old moral stories
to them can be a great way to keep the ideas linger in their minds.

M-65, Greater Kailash, Part 1,
New Delhi-110048

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