Covid Awareness

Covid Awareness  


The Covid times have brought a lot to the plate of our average lifestyle. Our ways of normal have changed. Social-distancing is the norm but not from our loved and cherished ones, especially our partner. People find themselves with increased family time. Couples have more of the alone time than ever in history with each other. All are catching up on the “alone couple time” with home dinner dates. Social media is clustered with tips and tricks to deal with quarantine to make this time better.

Work from home is another significant contribution of the Covid Era to our daily routines. Yes, we all cooped up into the new system of increased proximity in interpersonal relationships and new work culture overnight and sure it has its share of challenges . We have tips to help you to focus on the brighter side of life during the pandemic to manage your work-relationship balance during the lockdown as a couple:


  1. Acknowledge individual stress levels: People have adapted to a new kind of lifestyle altogether and things are likely to get overwhelming while working and managing relationships. There are a lot of people in various industries who are out of work during corona and the uncertainty of the future is a major stressor. Be considerate and acknowledge the sudden upside down in each other's lives. Be mindful of your partner’s stress and problems. Try to convey that you are there for each other and go on about tasks like a team. Keep reassuring that this is not forever and will surely pass.
  2. Heal your relationship: All complaints of less intimate couple time now stand redundant. Use this time to dwell into a new paradigm of your relationship.
  3. Communicate on shared interests and reminisce memories to spend quality time with each other. Mend the cracks caused due to overburdening of a harsh 9-5 lifestyle.
  4. Need for Space: Ample time is at our disposal to spend with our partner. While it sure is a good thing, too much proximity all the time may feel annoying. It is natural to feel that way because the lifestyle we are accustomed to follows a distributed schedule of work and personal time. Since the two have combined and employees are working 8-12 hours a day,  the best thing to go about in this scenario is to provide and respect each other’s individual space.
  5. Work separately: If you and your partner are working from home, try to work separately. Phone calls, video chats, and constant typing can annoy anyone. Working in different rooms will make it feel more like an office. Take breaks between work and grab a healthy snack and talk with each other for a while.
  6. Don’t be bent on unrealistic demands & Appreciate small changes : Social media has been pushing everyone to stay productive. In a culture where one can feel pushed to fulfil unrealistic demands, keep reminding yourself that it is okay to take things slow and steady.  If you and your partner have learned new skills and are helping out in household chores, do acknowledge and appreciate the effort. Celebrate small wins and stay motivated.
  7. Work out a daily schedule: Develop a daily workout regime mutually. Meditate and chant together. Exercise together once a day and have date nights once a week. Spend quality time by watching classic movies and sharing each other’s interests.

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