Low concentration and attention levels are a common problem among millions of children. With each passing day, more children are suffering from concentration problems, when they find it extremely difficult and tough to concentrate or focus on a particular issue for too long. Loss of concentration could pose a serious problem to your child, especially in his or her classroom. Nevertheless, nurturing concentration and focus in your child is not a difficult task. You can help your children develop focus and concentration, by using a number of useful activities and exercises such as:
1. Set tasks according to your child's maturity level:- Often, the reason kids lose focus on a task is because it's either too easy or too hard for them. Take a close look at the activity and make sure it's the right skill level for your child. Also, it's a fact of life that we all have things to do that are tedious, boring, or not challenging. Help your child understand that sometimes we have to do things that are not fun or interesting. It's also helpful to point out that the sooner your child completes the less-than-interesting tasks, the more time he or she will have to do more enjoyable things.
2. Divide big projects into small tasks:- A great tactic to help increase your child's concentration is to split the task up into smaller pieces. Big projects can be over whelming . We've all had that feeling of "I don't even know where to start." Splitting the task up will give a child the feeling of progress as the pieces are completed.
3. Minimize distractions:- Give your child a quiet place to work when focus is necessary. Remember that kids haven't developed the same ability to screen out distractions that adults have acquired. Television, even coming from another room, is hard for kids to screen out. Soft music played in the work area can help mask distracting sounds.
4. Play "beat the clock":- Set a timer for a particular task that your child can work to "beat." Sometimes setting a short period of time will help them focus longer for example- one rule of thumb is that a child can focus on a single activity for about one minute per year of age.
5. Teach how to set goals:- Goals can be a great way to increase your child's ability to focus. When your child makes his/her own goals (with your guidance and rewards for reaching them) they can become a great motivator.
6. Offer praise:- When you see your child paying attention to a task, notice and compliment him/her for it.
7. Healthy lifestyle:- Good nutrition and enough sleep are huge factors in helping your child be able to concentrate on a task. Complex carbs, protein and fresh fruits and vegetables will help improve your child's ability to concentrate.
8. Memory games:- The ability to focus is like a skill. With practice, a person can experience longer and more effective periods of concentration. Use memory games as a fun way to increase your child's ability and have fun at the same time, such as
a. Chess develops concentration, focus, imagination and prediction.
b. Board games help develop thinking skills, evaluation power, imagination and concentration.
c. Story telling helps your child grow the power of imagination, focus, creativity and vision.
d. Missing numbers and game of opposites assists in developing the power of concentration, logic, imagination and arithmetic.
9. Avoid over scheduling Kids that are whisked from activity to activity can feel overwhelmed. Be sure to allow for downtime to allow their young minds to recover from an activity.
10. Give advance notice about changes in activities:- When you want your child to switch focus from one activity to another, give a few minutes warning time. For example, if a child is playing a memory game but will need to begin practicing the piano soon, give him/her a five-minute warning. The transition will be easier and your child will be able to refocus on the new task faster.
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