
Sudden Behavioural Changes  


The changes in your child during the teen years can pack a powerful punch. While the physical differences quickly catch your attention, the differences in her attitude and behaviour may seem more drastic. One day she's playing with dolls and the next she's playing with makeup. Some changes are normal, while others can indicate an underlying issue.

Types of Behavioural Changes:

1. Euphoric, elated, expansive and happy mood

2. Irritable, sad and unhappy feelings

3. Alternates from positive and happy to sad and unhappy

4. Acts without regard for consequences

5. Feels as though possesses supernatural qualities or powers

6. Problems in social relationships

7. Difficulty settling down after an activity

8. Over-responsive to sensory stimulation

9. Night terrors

10. Sleep disturbance

11. Distractable

12. Impulsive

13. Overly active

14. Fidgety

15. Resistant to change

16. High anxiety, particularly in response to separation

17. Low frustration tolerance

18. Difficulty controlling anger

19. Interrupts others

20. Flight of ideas or thought racing

21. Violent and prolonged temper tantrums

22. Decline in school performance

What causes such behavioural changes in young adults?

1. Hormones change key brain functions

2. "I'm not a child and not yet an adult, so who am I?"

3. Increased self-consciousness and sensitivity to stress

4. Fear of not being as good as others

5. Intense need to belong and be accepted by others

5. Being violent or cruel to pets or other animals

Coping up with your teenager's sudden behavioural changes:

Teenagers can challenge even the calmest of parents. Try to step back from the situation, and remember that they have physiological reasons for behaving in the ways that are so difficult to live with. They're probably not enjoying it either. You're the adult, and it is your responsibility to guide them through the difficult times.

1. Be calm and consistent: Teenagers can be largely emotional rather than logical because of the hormones rampaging through their bodies. It is not necessarily pleasant for them, and it can even feel frightening. Although it might be hard for you, they need you to maintain a calm and consistent presence.

2. Remember that you are a role model for your teenager: If they see you smoking, drinking, taking drugs, they will see that as a green light to do the same themselves. And they won't listen to you if you tell them not to do it.

3. Give them your time : Make sure you allow them the time to be with you and talk to you when it seems right for them. And make sure you listen when they do want to talk .

4. Offer some time alone: Allow them to have their own space and alone period .

5. Show them love : Even if they don't seem responsive, they do need to know you love them.

6. Set boundaries: Boundaries allow teenagers to feel safe. Decide what the limits are and then stick to them.

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