According to a survey conducted by Ashley Madison, a global website for those who are married or already in a relationship, 76% of Indian women and 61% men do not think that infidelity is a sin or immoral. 81% of men and 68% women reported that their affair has had a positive effect on their marriage.
According to a survey conducted by India Today to understand the different facets of sexuality of single or married men and women, following trends were found relating to adultery. This survey included respondents from Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Patna, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jaipur, Mumbai and Kolkata.
1. 41% of men admit they had strayed while only 8 per cent women said they were unfaithful.
2. Two out of five males approve of adultery. 72% of males in Delhi approve of adultery followed by Hyderabad (62%).
3. Two out of five males who approve of adultery affirm having actually committed it.
4. Out of the males who have committed adultery males in Delhi are most likely across towns to have had sexual relations outside wedlock/ relationship. Hyderabad, at 62% follows closely on the heels of Delhi on the practice of adultery.
5. One out of every two males who have reported committing adultery had sex with their ex girlfriends outside their existing relationship. Two out of five adulterous men had admitted having sex with their neighbour. Three out of every four men in Bangalore (75%) and Ahmedabad (72%) who have claimed to have committed adultery have done so with their ex girlfriend.
6. Nearly one in every five males who committed adultery, has taken part in partner swapping. (In Hyderabad, one in every two adulterous males have indulged in partner swapping)
7. One in every five men who committed adultery were persuaded by their partners for partner swapping. (Highest in Hyderabad 52%)
Adultery is the consensual or voluntary sexual relationship of a married man with someone other than his wife and a woman with someone other than her husband. It points to an illicit and illegal correlation which breaches the marriage vows and affects the sanctity of a marital relation. Laws against adultery are outcomes of regulation and ethnicity claiming that marriages must be monogamous. Adultery law falls under the criminal law of India and has been put under chapterV that deals with the offences concerning marriage.
According to Section-497 of Indian penal code- "Whoever has sexual intercourse with a person who is and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of another man, without the consent of that man, such sexual intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape, is guilty of the offence of adultery, and shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine, or with both. In such case, the wife shall not be punishable as an abettor."
Section-498 : Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent a married woman Whoever takes or entices any woman who is and whom he knows or has reasons to believe to be the wife of any other man, from that man, or from any person having the care of her on behalf of that man, with intent that she may have illicit intercourse with any person or conceals or detains with that intent any such woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
Throughout the world, a female committing an adulterous act is also liable for punishment but Indian women are an exception for adultery laws and they cannot be punished under the law for committing adultery. The wife is not guilty of offence, not even as an abettor to the crime. A case can be filed by the husband of the female partner against the man with whom she had adulterous liaison (not against his wife) stating that he illegitimately intimidated and lured his wife into the relationship.
These laws were passed in 1860 during the British era and at that time the social status of women in India was pitiable. They were not economically independent and were considered as an object. Although, considering today's times, the scenario of the society has changed and women are socially and financially independent and they may be the seducer and not always victim or innocent. This customary law does not seem to be in consonance with the recent times and doesn't apply equally to both the genders.
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